Magic Interiors Orlando LLC Privacy Policy


Welcome to Magic Interiors Orlando LLC DBA Magic Interiors. The sanctity of your personal information is paramount to us. This Enhanced Privacy Policy (“Policy”) delineates the rigorous measures we undertake to protect your data, underscoring our unwavering commitment to safeguarding your privacy. By engaging with our website and services, you unequivocally consent to the practices outlined herein.


Information Sovereignty    

–     Collection: Magic Interiors Orlando LLC assertively collects information you voluntarily provide and data automatically captured by our technology suite. This encompasses, but is not limited to, personal identifiers, financial details, digital footprints, and device-specific data.

–     Cookies and Tracking: Our deployment of cookies and similar technologies is non-negotiable, facilitating a bespoke and secure user experience. Your navigation of our digital properties signifies irrevocable acceptance of this practice.


Utilization Mandate    

We employ your information with the utmost discretion and purpose, strictly confined to:

– Executing contractual obligations and service enhancements.

– Fortifying our digital terrain and user interface.

– Legal compliance and enforcement of our rights.


Information Guardianship    

–     Protection Measures: Employing cutting-edge, industry-standard security protocols, we vehemently defend your information against unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.

–     Access Restriction: Only a select cadre of personnel, bound by confidentiality obligations, are granted access to your information, ensuring its integrity and confidentiality.


Information Allocation    

–     Third-party Interactions: We rigorously control the sharing of your information, limiting disclosures to entities assisting in our service provision, under stringent confidentiality agreements. Any deviation from this is strictly governed by legal mandates or your explicit consent.

–     Prohibition on Sale: Your personal information is not a commodity within our operations. We staunchly refuse its sale, aligning with our foundational principles of privacy and respect.


 Minor’s Privacy    

In our steadfast commitment to protect minors, we do not knowingly engage in information transactions with individuals under the age of 13. Discoveries of such inadvertent collections trigger immediate and comprehensive eradication protocols.



California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) Compliance    

Adhering to the CCPA, we empower California residents with rights over their personal information, reinforcing our transparency and accountability ethos. We categorically deny the commodification of your data, upholding your privacy with the highest regard.



This Policy is dynamic, reflecting our evolving practices and the shifting legal landscape. Amendments will be communicated through our website, binding from their public declaration. Your continued engagement constitutes binding acceptance of these modifications.


Consent and Governance    

Your utilization of our services constitutes an irrevocable agreement to this Policy’s terms, governed by the laws of the United States and applicable state legislation. 


Dispute Resolution    

Any disputes under this Policy shall be adjudicated exclusively through arbitration in accordance with prevailing laws, underscoring our commitment to resolve issues amicably and efficiently.


Severability and Entirety    

Should any provision of this Policy be rendered unenforceable, the remainder stands unimpeded, embodying our comprehensive privacy commitment. This document encapsulates the entire agreement between you and Magic Interiors Orlando LLC regarding your privacy.



For inquiries or exertion of your privacy rights, contact us directly at, ensuring your inquiries are addressed with the seriousness they warrant.